Training Recap – July 11

You’ve heard of “sharrows,” right?

They’re a city’s alternative to dedicated bike lanes; they allow a cyclist to use the whole lane. Or, you know, share. Sharing. Marked with arrows. Sharrows.

Both the weather and my equipment cooperated. Just watch out for Karl the Fog in the distance.
Both the weather and my equipment cooperated. Just watch out for Karl the Fog in the distance.

I don’t know if “sharrow” is the amalgamation of “share” and “arrow” but it suddenly clicked in my head on journey through Emeryville today.

Today was an easy 23 miles – easy indicated by my average speed of…12 mph (whomp whomp whomp). A little slow. Everything’s been a little slow this week, but what are you going to do?

Tomorrow’s an open water brick. Looking forward to swimming with a former teammate!

2 thoughts on “Training Recap – July 11

    1. Ya! I had heard the term but I couldn’t figure out why they were called that. Saw the spelling and a few days later… it clicked.

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